Meta query relation ‘OR’ not working as expected

You are looking for this, most probably. Note: meta query support a compare method what is ‘IN’, which means any of the value. Like this –

if( isset($_GET['H_property_type']) ){
    // you don't need relation for this
    // if(count($_GET['H_property_type']) > 1){
    //    $args['meta_query']['relation'] = 'OR';
    // }
    // if $_GET['H_property_type'] is an array
    // foreach ($_GET['H_property_type'] as $type) {
    if( isset($_GET['H_property_type']) && is_array($_GET['H_property_type']) ){
        $args['meta_query'] = array(
            'key' => 'H_property_type',
            'value' => array_map( 'trim', $_GET['H_property_type'] ),
            'compare' => 'IN'
    // }

Commented codes are not necessary for the query. Thanks.