“Missed schedule” posting bug

You don’t really need a Plugin to define these type of cronjobs in a timely manner. All you need to do is to reliably call the WordPress Cron file which is wp-cron.php

The question is if your Webhost allows you to start wget without any path command or if it’s allowed to start it anyway.

I would first of all try calling example.com/wp-cron.php manually when a post is missed to check if this solves your problem. Therefor you should uninstall any cron plugins and disable the wordpress style poor men’s cron in the wp-config.php by adding

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', 'true');

to it and then try it out.

If this works I’ll try the webhosters cron function (but without any of the parameters on the URL that the cron plugin gives you). If your site is on SSL you might want to add `–no-check-certificate’ to avoid problems here. Here’s an example cronjob

*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null --no-check-certificate https://example.com/wp-cron.php


  • */2 * * * * means every second minute on every hour of the day and every day.
  • /usr/bin/wget calls the program wget from its origin – that depends on your provider/server
  • -q -O /dev/null silents the output and pushes everything to /dev/null if there is any
  • --no-check-certificates ignores certificates for https calls and avoids problems here.

If you still encouter problems even when manually calling this URL there may be some issues with caching on your site. If you are using a caching plugin of any sort or your provider is using proxies you should probably try to test without those things active to avoid any problems there.