Modify human_time_diff() to shorten “days” to “d” and “hours” to “h” etc

There is no filter for output of that function. You can fork (copy/rename/edit) it or add wrapper that will replace strings in output like this:

function short_time_diff( $from, $to = '' ) {

    $diff = human_time_diff($from,$to);

    $replace = array(
        'hour'  => 'h',
        'hours' => 'h',
        'day'   => 'd',
        'days'  => 'd',

    return strtr($diff,$replace);

PS afterthought – actually strings are localized so there is translation filter to use… But stuff to replace is to generic and that will risk breaking it elsewhere.


Since WP 4.0 there is a filter available for human_time_diff:

add_filter( 'human_time_diff', function($since, $diff, $from, $to) {

    $replace = array(
        'hour'  => 'h',
        'hours' => 'h',
        'day'   => 'd',
        'days'  => 'd',

    return strtr($since, $replace);

}, 10, 4 );

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