A WordPress multi-site will handle this easily. This is what drives WordPress.com and the millions of sites (and domains) hosted there.
Each site in a multi-site can use it’s own theme, will host separate content, etc. Whether you use the subdomain or subfolder install, you will need to use domain mapping to route foo.com and bar.com properly.
The most common plugin I see used for this is MU Domain Mapping:
There are a few things notably different between WP single and WP multi. Several good posts on the WP Codex cover the details. http://codex.wordpress.org/Before_You_Create_A_Network
Related Posts:
- ‘Global’ settings page for multisite plugin
- WordPress sharding: which multi-DB plugin to use?
- Auto Load Plugin Hooks inside Must Use Plugin
- What is a Network Activated Plugin Exactly?
- Using Vagrant for customizable WordPress Multi-sites [closed]
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- How to enable Admins to see Plugins
- Sharing Ad Revenue among Users of a Multisite in a Collaborative Model?
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- Is it possible to run plugin code when a multisite blog is deleted?
- How to assign user a role if none is present when logging in
- How can a plugin run a script after being updated in MultiSite?
- Network-Wide Plugin Settings Management
- Aggregate Summaries of Posts of Different Blogs in Multisite Instance
- Multisite functions to communicate with individual site functions
- Is there a way to share content amongst wordpress sites
- I’m trying to create security question field for my login page
- How to install WordPress Multisite with different domains under the same subdirectory?
- Multisite: Activate plugin for subsites only?
- Get list of sites that uses specific plugin or theme
- How to setup a Network Plugin across the network with only my settings?
- WordPress language switcher
- get_option compatible with wordpress network (multisite)?
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- Plugin to list active plugins across networked sites
- Cannot access wp-admin after disabling all plugin
- How to hide plugin from WordPress Multisite admin plugin list
- Is the wordpress user-model changed in wpmu?
- Error 404 using wpml plugin
- How to define WordPress plugin shortcode globally for multisite?
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- Disable multisite-wide plugins on specific sites
- WordPress Multisite plugin delegation
- How do I tell what plugins are used on my multisite install?
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- NGiNX + PHP5-fpm + CDN Tools (plugin) [closed]
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- There is any way to remove post-format filter? [closed]
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- WordPress wp-admin/network/plugin-install
- Create a multisite network for an existing installation
- “Micro-Site” Options
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- Configuring Propel to Work with Multisite
- Subdomains with almost the same content
- Uninstalling plugins across all sites
- Custom table naming/access convention for multisite: $table_prefix vs base_prefix or other?
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- Understanding State in WordPress Multisites
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- WordPress super admin login issue. (Automatically logout)
- How to remove a CPT Menu from the Root Admin only
- Hosting multiple sites
- WordPress’s is_plugin_active_for_network function not working for multisites
- Cannot add edit themes and add plugins after multisite update
- Storing Form data in a different database
- how to make a wplang for network fill automatically
- Multisite Plugin – Access options (wp_options) on child sites
- Plugin to create unlimited custom shortcodes?
- Constructing a Pay to Download music website with wordpress
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- In a WPMU that uses several different domains, how to enable users to register subdomains of any domain from the main site?
- Multisite Change from domain.com to sub.newdomain.com
- WP Forms not displaying,becomming an fatal error
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- disable plugin activation on no multisite
- Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
- Creating one user access account for all the multiple sites
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- how to add navigation icons in specific template?
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- Update javascript URL in header – Domain Mapping Plugin [closed]
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- Coming soon pages with rest of site in maintenance mode
- Query Shortcode from a multisite to appear on a different site?
- How to enable Admins to see Plugins
- How do plugin updates work?
- Automatization for automatization
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- Check if user is in a group of another site within multisite network [closed]
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- WordPress multisite haml templates
- Pulling sub-site content into specific pages
- Frontpage Admin Bar Disappeared
- turn off WooCommerce for a site in a multi site environment
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