MySQL CPU Usage Surge up When Multiple Post Editor Pages are open

After searching the web over the night I found out that the problem is common and the same query I posted above is the culprit. According to WordPress Post Editor Performance, this is caused by Slow meta_form() database query

The safest solution he provided was a piece of code the function.php. I did that and I experience a great deal of changed. see code below:

 * Remove Ancient Custom Fields metabox from post editor
 * because it uses a very slow query meta_key sort query
 * so on sites with large postmeta tables it is super slow
 * and is rarely useful anymore on any site
function wpse391530_remove_post_custom_fields_metabox() {
     foreach ( get_post_types( '', 'names' ) as $post_type ) {
         remove_meta_box( 'postcustom' , $post_type , 'normal' );   
add_action( 'admin_menu' , 'wpse391530_remove_post_custom_fields_metabox' );

You can read more about the solution on the article link posted above