mySQL queries are executed twice on wordpress website

The use of wpdb->insert and wp_insert_post both accomplish an SQL Insert, which is why you’re seeing 2 records each time. You must use only one instance of an insert method, and then Pass $my_post to WP_Query


As Milo points out in his comment wpdb->insert will insert into any table, while wp_insert_post is used to insert a post into the wp_posts table. wpdb->insert is used mainly for custom tables.

In your case:

<?php $wpdb->insert( 'auto_importare', $insData); ?> 

Sticking with the premise that $wpdb should be used for custom tables, you would then use wpdb->get_results to select the data you just inserted:

<?php $post_results -> $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT make,model, version,description FROM wpdb->auto_importare'); ?> 

Lastly, and this part escapes me at the moment, you would build your post query from $post_results

See The WordPress Codex: wpdb