Option 1: Edit the Contructor theme
The Constuctor theme checks the theme options and then includes the home link based on the option value.
The code that adds the Home link is located in
// show link to homepage
if ($this->_options['menu']['home']) {
echo '<li id="home"><a href="'.home_url()."https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/" title="'.get_bloginfo('name').'">'.__('Home', 'constructor').'</a></li>';
Link Text
To change the name of the link you need to edit this line.
__('Home', 'constructor')
Link Location
To change the location of the link your options are rather limited. You can place it at the beginning or the end of the dynamically generated menu by modifying the code.
Option 2: Use a custom menu
Instead of editing the code as mentioned above, you can specify a menu in the WP Dashboard under Appearances->Menu. When you specify your own menu you have complete control over what links appear and where they will be placed. Here’s is more info on how to do that. http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide