numberposts not working

Your problem is $tax_country, more actually the value. get_the_term_list() does not return what you think

Returns an HTML string of taxonomy terms associated with a post and given taxonomy. Terms are linked to their respective term listing pages.

Even if you strip away the tags, you will just be left with a string of term names. WP_Query (which is used in get_posts) do at times for some reason fails this way (returns all posts and ignores the posts_per_page value) if invalid values are passed to it.

To sort your issue, make use of wp_get_post_terms(). You can try something like the following

$tax_country = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'country', array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) );

This will return an array of term ids, so you will need to adjust your tax_query to something like this

'tax_query' => array(
        'taxonomy' => 'country',
        'terms' => $tax_country,
        'include_children' => false