Order custom taxonomy by date

WordPress has no an archvie for a taxonomy, but only archive for terms.

E.g., you can have the url example.com/series/series-about-fish thta displays all the post in that series, but there is no an archive example.com/series/ that display the posts in all the series.

Easiest way to achieve this is create a page template, create a page in dashboard with slug series and assign the template, then in the template file create a that displays posts using a custom WP_Query with the proper taxonomy_query argument..

If every post belong only to one serie, it’s easy write a custom function that return a multidimensional array of posts, where every first level item is an array with 2 elements: one keysed ‘term’ contain the series term object, the second keyed ‘posts’ contain all the posts for that series:

In functions.php put something like:

function get_series_posts() { 
  $terms = get_terms('series', array('fields'=>'ids') );
  $tax_query = array(
    'taxonomy' => 'series',
    'field' => 'id',
    'terms' => $terms,
  $args = array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'tax_query' => array($tax_query));
  $q = new WP_Query( $args );
  $posts_ordered = array();
  $done = 0;
  while ( $q->have_posts() ) : $q->the_post();
    global $post;
    // all the post series array
    $series = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'series');
    // the last series (if there is only one series per post no matter the order)
    $serie = array_shift( $series );
    if ( ! isset($posts_ordered[$serie->slug]) )
      $posts_ordered[$serie->slug] = array('term' => $serie);
    if ( ! isset($posts_ordered[$serie->slug]['posts']) )
      $posts_ordered[$serie->slug]['posts'] = array();
    $posts_ordered[$serie->slug]['posts'][] = $post;
  return $posts_ordered;

After that, in your page template you can do:

$posts = get_series_posts();

if ( ! empty($posts) ) {
  echo '<ul>'; // open series list
  foreach ( $posts as $loop_data) {
    echo '<li>'; // open series list item
    echo '<a href="' . get_term_link($loop_data['term'], 'series') . '">';
    echo $loop_data['term']->name . '</a>';
    echo '<ul>'; // open post list
    global $post;
    foreach ( $loop_data['posts'] as $post) { // loop throug posts of a series
      printf('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>', get_permalink(), get_the_title() );
    echo '</ul>'; // close post list;
    echo '</li>'; // close series list item
  echo '</ul>'; // close series list