Overriding a theme redux file in child theme

If you need to add the settings in parent theme created section, just place the below code in child functions.php

But remember to replace OPT Name with your_opt_name in “OPT_NAME”.(To find OPT Name just open /parent-theme/includes/options/options-config.php and in top there’s a line $opt_name=”your_opt_name“; )

    function add_product_description($sections){

    $sections[10]['fields'][] = array(
                'id'        => 'product_extra_description',
                'type'      => 'multi_text',
                'title'     => __( 'Product Description', 'nm-framework-admin' ),
                'desc'      => __( 'Enter extra Product Description.', 'nm-framework-admin' ),
                'validate'  => 'html'

    return $sections;
// In this example OPT_NAME is the returned opt_name.
//add_filter("redux/options/OPT_NAME/sections", 'add_another_section_bl');
add_filter("redux/options/OPT_NAME/sections", 'add_product_description');

Also in $sections[10], you need to replace with your indexing. And to find it you need to print_r the $section.