Pass class to Woocommerce shortcode [relative_products] [closed]

I have found a solution but i am not sure how good it is

1) Copy the shortcode into your functions.php

If you copy the function from the above link to Woocommerce Docs and create a your own shortcode (it_related_products_function) with it and then add 'class' => '' to the arguments you can now pass ‘class’ to your shortcode.

function it_related_products_function( $atts ) {
 if ( isset( $atts['per_page'] ) ) {
   $atts['limit'] = $atts['per_page'];

 $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
   'limit'    => '4',
   'columns'  => '4',
   'orderby'  => 'rand',
   'class'    => '',
 ), $atts, 'related_products' );


 $atts['posts_per_page'] = absint( $atts['limit'] );

 woocommerce_related_products( $atts );

 return ob_get_clean();


2) Grab the attribute in your related.php and echo if is set

    <section class="woocommerce columns-4 <?php echo !empty($class) ? $class : "" ?>">

3) Now you can use your custom shortcode with ‘class’ anywhere

<?php echo do_shortcode('[it_related_products limit="4" class="row it-books-fp red-border-bottom"]'); ?>