Passing Custom Field Data as Array to be Saved (Resulting Custom Field Array is inconsistent)

Definite solution: Seeing as wp’s core get_post_custom function returns multiple data fields saved as a single key in a random order, I resolved the issue by writing a function to replace it – which has some added flexibility:

  Function: Retrieve post meta field for a post based on ID 
  Usage: [admin/meta_box/downloads.php] = to replace core wp get_post_custom function
  Params: $id = post id, $key = meta key, $order = ASC|DESC, 
    $return = meta_value|meta_key|post_id|meta_id, $single = true|false
  @return = result will be array unless $single = true, which will return the last result only
function noconflict_get_post_custom($id,$key,$single=false,$column='meta_value',$order="ASC"){
    global $wpdb;
    $data = $wpdb->get_results("
    SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = $id
    AND meta_key LIKE '$key'
    ORDER by meta_id $order

    if( !empty( $data ) ) {
        $metadata = array();
        foreach( $data as $result_object ) {
            $metadata[] = $result_object->$column;
        if ($single)
            return $metadata[0];
            return $metadata;