Passing state from child component to parent component in a Gutenberg Sidebar

…as I said I was lost in a glass of water. Here’s how I solved the problem in the situation described above (maybe it could help to newby React guys like me, but maybe some experts could provide a better solution):

const ParentItem = ({ state, setState }) => {

    return (
            title={__("Parent item", "textdomain")}
                label={__("MyRadioControl", "textdomain")}
                selected={ state ? state : "none" }
                        label: __("None", "textdomain"),
                        value: 'none'
                        label: __("Show custom 1", "textdomain"),
                        value: 'show-custom-1'
                        label: __("Show custom 2", "textdomain"),
                        value: 'show-custom-2'
                        label: __("Show custom 3", "textdomain"),
                        value: 'show-custom-3'

        {state === "show-custom-1" &&
                <MyCustom1 />

        {state === "show-custom-2" &&
                <MyCustom2 />

        {state === "show-custom-3" &&
                <MyCustom3 />

export default compose([
    withDispatch((dispatch, props) => {
        return {
            setState: function (value) {
                dispatch('core/editor').editPost({ meta: { _mysite_my_radio_control: value } });
    withSelect((select, props) => {
        return {
            state: select('core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta')['_mysite_my_radio_control'],