how to update page without reloading the page builder?
how to update page without reloading the page builder?
how to update page without reloading the page builder?
How to make an image appear then another takes its place and so on?
I suspect, this issue is much more related to htaccess rather than WordPress installation. In a standard WP installation, you can find the .htaccess file in the root directory of your WP install. This file is used for various server settings and specifically, URL rewrites. The reason for this file starts with a dot, the … Read more
What triggers WordPress automatic updates? (revisited)
How can I hide Dashboard notifications for just one particular plugin?
What plugin presents these extra columns in wp-admin -> plugins
To restrict non-administrators from adding new tags in the WordPress admin area, you can use a combination of WordPress hooks and capabilities checks. The idea is to disable the ability for users who are not administrators to create new tags while still allowing them to select from existing tags when editing posts. Here’s a custom … Read more
Remove element from admin page editing part
Hide Dashboard and Profile from non admin in sidebar
Combining search and sort in the admin list using pods