Place a button besides “add new”

The ‘proper’ way would be to use add_action()


The closest hook for your need would be ‘edit_form_top’

You could do something like this

function add_your_button(){
    echo '<a href="" class="page-title-action">List View</a>';
add_action('edit_form_top', 'add_your_button');

That would achieve:

enter image description here

The catch is that there is a hr tag after the Add New so your new button is going to get pushed down the screen by the hr and also alerts eg Autosave alerts.

I’d suggest you use the magic of CSS to position your button absolutely.

Something like:

.custom-class-for-your-button {
  position: absolute;
  top: 1.6em;
  left: 14em;

Though make sure you provide CSS to support the full range of screen sizes your editors are likely to edit the site with.