plugin get value from admin panel page

If you want to add an settings page, (or add options to and existing settings page) please use the settings api:

1. Register your settings and add a section:

add_action('admin_init', 'plugin_admin_init');
function plugin_admin_init(){
     register_setting( 'wpse51578_options_group', 'my_option_field_name', 'wpse51578_validation_callback' );
     add_settings_section('wpse51578_main_id', 'My Main Settings', 'wpse51578_main_settings_cb', 'wpse51578_option_page');

The 'my_option_field_name' int the register_settings is the name that the fields for your options should have: e.g.

        <input type="text" name="my_option_field name[A]"><br />
        <input type="text" name="my_option_field name[B]"><br />

The add_settings_section registers a settings section for your page. You can of course, have multiple sections on a page.

2. Output the form elements

The wpse51578_main_settings_cb callback function in add_settings_section is responsible for creating the output of that section. You can output the form elements in it (or user the api further with add_settings_field). No form tags should be used in this bit for this bit. For example:

function wpse51578_main_settings_cb(){
      $my_options = get_option('wpse51578_options_group',array());
      $A = ( isset($my_options['A']) ? esc_html($my_options['A']) : 'default-for-a';
      $B = ( isset($my_options['B']) ? esc_html($my_options['B']) : 'default-for-b';
       Location A <input type="text" value="<?php echo $A; ?>" name="my_option_field name[A]"><br />
       Location B <input type="text" value="<?php echo $B; ?>" name="my_option_field name[B]"><br />

3. Output your settings page

When you added you added your page, you defined a callback to output the page contents. This is what that function should do, (using the plugin_options_page if you’ve given it in the question:

function plugin_options_page() {
  <h2>My custom plugin</h2>
   Options relating to the Custom Plugin.

    <form action="options.php" method="post">
        <?php settings_fields('wpse51578_options_group'); ?>
        <?php do_settings_sections('wpse51578_option_page'); ?>

        <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save Changes'); ?>" />


4. Validation

Now WordPress performs the nonce checks on your page, and handles (almost) all the processing of the forms. However – it needs you to do one thing – validate. When you register settings, you specify a validation callback function: wpse51578_validation_callback in this example.

This function gets passed an array of the values received from the form fields where the input name was my_option_field_name (as set also when you registered the settings). So for instance, you might expect the array:

     'A' => 'some-input', //value for A
     'B' => 'some-input-for b', //value for B

Its job is to check that array contains ‘correct’ values (what that means depends on context: e.g. if its an e-mail field, is the value actually an e-mail address?). No sanitation is required here (but would be where-ever you output the data).

function wpse51578_validation_callback( $dirty ){
     //$dirty is what you receive from the form

     $clean = array();
     //Sanitize data and pass it to the $clean array

     return $clean;

Other Resources:

The best tutorial on using the settings API is probably:

Please note that I’ve not tested the above, but it is correct in procedure, there just maybe typos or minor errors.

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