Post Migration Site Migration Redirects All Known Solutions Attempted

Can you check the wp-config.php file and make sure it’s not being set by the WP_HOME and/or the WP_SITEURL constants?

If you set the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL constants in the wp-config.php file to webinar.example.test, but have the home and siteurl options in the wp_options table set to, then running the wp option get siteurl command would return the value of the siteurl option in the wp_options table, which is

The WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL constants in wp-config.php are used to override the home and siteurl options in the wp_options table. However, if the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL constants are not set or are set to the same values as the home and siteurl options in the wp_options table, then the wp option get siteurl command will return the value of the siteurl option in the wp_options table.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, then there are a few possible reasons why your WordPress site is being redirected to webinar.example.test even though the siteurl and home values in the database are correct.

Here are some possible causes and solutions:

  • If you are using a caching plugin, it may be caching the old URL and
    redirecting to it. Try clearing the cache and see if that fixes the
  • If you are using a CDN, it may be caching the old URL and redirecting
    to it. Try clearing the CDN cache and see if that fixes the issue.
  • If you have any custom code that is modifying the site URL, it may be
    using the old URL and redirecting to it. Check your custom code and
    see if you can find any references to the old URL.
  • If you have any custom DNS records that are redirecting to the old
    URL, it may be causing the redirect. Check your DNS records and see
    if you can find any references to the old URL.

If none of these solutions fix the issue, you may need to further investigate the cause of the redirect. You can try using the wp_redirect_status filter hook to see which URL the site is being redirected to.

Here is an example:

function custom_redirect_status($status, $location, $code) {
    error_log("Redirect: $location ($code)");
    return $status;

This code logs the redirect URL and status code to the error log. You can then check the error log to see which URL the site is being redirected to. This can help you identify the cause of the redirect and find a solution.