I tried it step by step and finally succeeded.
Step 1 – hello.py
I tried to create the hello.py file with Atom on Windows 10 and uploaded it to a Linux server for many times. It could run with the “python3 hello.py” command, but always failed to run when using the “./hello.py” command.
I had to create it on the Linux server and the “./hello.py” command worked.
# pwd
# cat hello.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# chmod +x hello.py
# ./hello.py
Step 2 – t-popen.py
I created the t-popen.py file with Atom on Windows 10 and uploaded it to the Linux server. This PHP file was used to make sure the popen()
function worked.
# cat t-popen.php
/* Add redirection so we can get stderr. */
$handle = popen( __DIR__ . '/hello.py', 'r' );
$read = '';
while ( ! feof( $handle ) ) {
$read .= fread( $handle, 2096 );
pclose( $handle );
var_dump( $read );
echo $read;
# php t-popen.php
string(6) "Hello
Step 3 – The WP plugin
I created the run-python.php file with Atom on Windows 10 and uploaded it to the Linux server.
* Try - Run Python
* @package Try\Run Python
* Plugin Name: Try - Run Python
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Try to run a Python script in the WordPress plugin.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Box
* Author URI:
add_shortcode( 'python', 'embed_python' );
function embed_python( $attributes ) {
$data = shortcode_atts(
'file' => 'hello.py',
$handle = popen( __DIR__ . "https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/" . $data['file'], 'r' );
$read = '';
while ( ! feof( $handle ) ) {
$read .= fread( $handle, 2096 );
pclose( $handle );
return $read;
Step 4
I activated the plugin and tried to add a shortcode as [python]
to a post.
The “hello” string showed in the content when I viewed the post.
The 3 files mentioned above are all located in the same directory which is “/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/run-python” in this case.