Random image loader

Try to see if this works, I used scandir because I prefer it. The problem was that glob, like scandir, only works with paths on the server’s file system, not URLs:

function footer_image(){

    $imagesDir = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/images/footer';

    $imagesUri = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/footer/';

    $images = array_diff( scandir( $imagesDir, 1 ), array( '.', '..' ) );

    $randomImage = $images[ array_rand( $images ) ];

    $footerImage="<img src="" . $imagesUri . $randomImage . '" alt="Footer image">';

    return $footerImage;
add_shortcode ( 'footer-image', 'footer_image' );

To use a shortcode in a page/theme template:

echo do_shortcode("[footer-image]");

P.S. Instead, if you created a taxonomy in the media library for example footer and took those images, you could use more attributes (alt, description, size, etc.), improve SEO and make the website more responsive. What do you think about it?