register_post_type()’s rewrite slug not working

The problem is because your rewrite argument is part of the labels, but rewrite is actually same level as the labels, so just move the rewrite to after the labels and the problem will be gone. 🙂

register_post_type('artwork', array(
    'public'    => true,
    'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-art',
    'labels'    => array(
        'name'          => 'Artwork',
        'add_new_item'  => 'Add New Artwork',
        'edit_item'     => 'Edit Artwork',
        'all_items'     => 'All Artwork',
        'singular_name' => 'Artwork',
    // Move the "rewrite" to below:
    'rewrite'   => array(
        'slug'       => 'art',
        'with_front' => false,
        'pages'      => true, // this also belongs in "rewrite" and not "labels"