Remove categories taxonomy from custom post type

First, I believe that “Categories” is actually for the custom taxonomy resource and not the standard category taxonomy. But in the menu, it’s labeled Categories because you didn’t set a custom label for the resource taxonomy (because the label is commented out and defaults to Categories):

    'resource',  // the name of the taxonomy
    'resources', // post type name
        'hierarchical' => true,
        //'label' => 'Resources',  // display name <- this

Secondly, the resource taxonomy is actually assigned to the resources post type, despite the taxonomy is not in the list of the post type’s taxonomies property:

    'resource',  // the name of the taxonomy
    'resources', // post type name <- here, the taxonomy will be assigned to this post type
    array( ... )

If you don’t actually want the resource taxonomy to be assigned to the resources post type, then either set the post type to null or whatever the proper post type is:

    'resource',  // the name of the taxonomy
    null,        // set to null, which means don't assign to `resources` or any post types..
    array( ... )

Alternatively, you can use unregister_taxonomy_for_object_type() to un-assign the taxonomy from a post type:

// Call after the post type and taxonomy are both registered.
unregister_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'resource', 'resources' );