Remove the first 5 characters of the_title and orderby that

WordPress WP_Query’s orderby parameter has a lot of options but nothing as specific as what you are after.

I think you’d have to do this after retrieving posts through the WP_Query, then sort them using usort().

Your code should be something like this.

$args = array(
    'post_type' => 'z_day',
    'posts_per_page' => -1,
    'meta_query' => array(
                         'key' => 'day_add_almanac', 
                         'value' => 'yes' 

// Create object
$my_posts = new WP_Query( $args );

// Sort
usort( $my_posts->posts, function( $a, $b ) {

    // Convert "2018-01-28" to "0128"
    $c = str_replace('-', '' ,substr($a->title , 5));
    $d = str_replace('-', '' ,substr($b->title , 5));

    if( $c == $d ) {
        return 0;   
    // Use < or > (or swap -1 and 1 ) for reversing order
    return ( $c > $d ) ? -1 : 1;  


// Loop
if( $my_posts->have_posts() ) {

    while( $my_posts->have_posts() ) {


        // Show posts



You may now adjust the above code to meet your requirements.
I hope this helps.