Replace Woocommerce “add to cart” to be “Download” button [closed]

  1. hook into the woocommerce hook is_purchasable

     add_filter("woocommerce_is_purchasable", function($product, $isPurchasable)
             return $isPurchasable;
         $productId = $product->get_id();
         $user = wp_get_current_user();
         if($user->exists() && $productId == 769)
             $userId = $user->ID;
             $userEmail = $user->user_email;
             if(wc_customer_bought_product($userEmail, $userId, $productId))
                 //block the purchase so the user sees read more instead of add to cart
                 $isPurchasable = false;
         return $isPurchasable;
  2. hook into the init field and and if the current page is that product id
    then we will need to display:none the add to cart button and instead add a download
    button. If you have access to a theme builder add a button on the single product and
    hide it in the beginning. That will make this process much easier.

     add_action("init", function()
         global $product;
         if(is_product() && $product->get_id() == 769)
             $className = "add_to_cart_button";
             $downloadLink = ""; // your link here
                      let element = document.getElementByClassName(\"%s\");
                      let link = document.createElement(\"a\");
                      link.setAttribute(\"href\", \"%s\");
                      link.textContent = \"download\";
                      let parent = element.parentElement;
                      parent.insertAdjacentElement(\"afterend\", link);

ps: If you want the user to be logged in before adding the item to cart do the following

    add_filter("woocommerce_is_purchasable", function($product, $isPurchasable)
            return $isPurchasable;

        $productId = $product->get_id();
        $user = wp_get_current_user();

        //block the user from even adding it to cart before logging in
        if($productId == 769 && !$user->exists())
            return false;

        if($user->exists() && $productId == 769)
            $userId = $user->ID;
            $userEmail = $user->user_email;

            if(wc_customer_bought_product($userEmail, $userId, $productId))
                //block the purchase so the user sees read more instead of add to cart
                $isPurchasable = false;

        return $isPurchasable;

ps2: I did not run this code myself just off the top of my head. Should be close enough though to run. will check if it runs on my system.

New Code: Just did a test run and it works

            add_filter("woocommerce_is_purchasable", function($isPurchasable, $product)
                    return $isPurchasable;

                $productId = $product->get_id();
                $user = wp_get_current_user();
                if($user->exists() && $productId == 796)
                    $userId = $user->ID;
                    $userEmail = $user->user_email;

                    if(wc_customer_bought_product($userEmail, $userId, $productId))
                        //block the purchase so the user sees read more instead of add to cart
                        $isPurchasable = false;

                return $isPurchasable;
            }, 10, 2);

            add_filter("woocommerce_is_purchasable", function($isPurchasable, $product)
                    return $isPurchasable;

                $productId = $product->get_id();
                $user = wp_get_current_user();

                //dont allow non existing users to buy
                if(!$user->exists() && $productId == 796)
                    $isPurchasable = false;

                return $isPurchasable;
            }, 10, 2);

            add_action("woocommerce_after_single_product", function()
                global $post;
                $product = wc_get_product($post->ID);
                if(empty($product) || is_null($product))

                if($product->get_id() != 796)

                $user = wp_get_current_user();

                if(!wc_customer_bought_product($user->user_email, $user->ID, $product->get_id()))

                $productId = $product->get_id();
                $downloadLink = "#"; // your link here

                echo sprintf(
                        let element = document.getElementById(\"product-%d\");
                        let form = element.getElementsByTagName(\"form\")[0];
                        let addToCartButton = form.getElementsByTagName(\"button\")[0];

                        element = addToCartButton;
                        let classList = element.classList;


                        let link = document.createElement(\"a\");
                        link.classList = classList;
                        link.setAttribute(\"href\", \"%s\");
                        link.textContent = \"download\";

                        let parent = element.parentElement;
                        parent.insertAdjacentElement(\"afterend\", link);