Running a function on comment status change

The comment_post hook is called with a $comment_id as the first argument.
You can see why your function is failing. Same goes for the edit_comment hook.

Simply add the following at the beginning of your business function:

if ( !is_object( $comment ) )
    $comment = get_comment( $comment );

Do use a custom SQL query for comment metadata retrieval, as right now, with what you have there, you’ll end up querying the database for each and every comment. Moreover, I would additionally suggest using the built-in SUM and AVG MySQL functions to avoid the extra loops in PHP.

SELECT SUM(`meta_value`), AVG(`meta_value`)
FROM `{$wpdb->commentmeta}`
WHERE `meta_key` = 'rating'
AND `comment_id` = '$sanitized_comment_id';

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