Select Custom Taxonomy from Theme Options

Since you are likely developing this and you don’t have any posts associated with the season taxonomy, you will not get any terms returned with get_terms('season');' unless you specify the parameterhide_emptyto be0`. I would change the code thusly:

    /** Seasons */
    $args = array( 'hide_empty' => '0' );
    $season_terms = get_terms('season', $args);
    $season_tax = array();
    if( $season_terms ) {
        foreach( $season_terms as $season ) {
            $season_tax[$season->term_id] = $season->name;

    array_unshift( $season_tax, 'Choose a Season' );

By default, terms are only returned if they are associated with at least one post. Check out the hide_empty parameter on this page for more information: