Select parent page and all its child page but exclude one specific child page

There are some issues in your code, e.g. $pages will always return an array, even where there are no results in which an empty array is returned, so if ( is_page() && $pages ) return true; does not necessarily mean that “we’re at the page or at a sub page“. Instead, it means, “as long as it’s a Page (post type page), then we return true”.

Nonetheless, try the following which works even if the page in question has a grandchild:

// This function checks whether the current Page has the specified ID ($pid), or
// that the current Page is a direct or indirect child of $pid.
function is_tree( $pid ) {
    // ID of the specific child page that you want to exclude.
    $cid = 4419;

    // Bail early if we're not on a Page.
    if ( ! is_page() ) {
        return false;

    $page_id = get_queried_object_id();
    $pid     = (int) $pid;

    // We're on the parent page.
    if ( $pid === $page_id ) {
        return true;

    // We're on the **excluded child page**, so return false.
    if ( (int) $cid === $page_id ) {
        return false;

    $pages = get_pages( array( 'child_of' => $pid ) );

    // Check if we're on one of the other child pages.
    return in_array( $page_id, wp_list_pluck( $pages, 'ID' ) );