Where do I build my updated website?

It’s really up to you. As a developer, I prefer working locally but if you do not develop but only add/remove/update themes and plugins, then a subdomain can be great. This way, you can freely break your website without disturbing anyone. Nowadays, lots of hosts providers are offering to create staging website in one click. … Read more

Development to production, how to move a development site from http + dev.example.com to a production site https + example.com?

I’ll try to outline the fundamental steps — your mileage might vary, depending on your actual setup. I tend to manage WordPress deployments in an automated manner (e.g. Ansible), so I have a preference for command-line scripts and config files. Define the home and site url in the wp-config.php file of your production environment (the … Read more

How to improve WordPress website SEO and traffic, and or fix SEO issues

Improving the SEO of a WordPress website and increasing traffic to the site can be achieved through a variety of methods, including: Optimizing content: Create high-quality, unique, and relevant content that includes keywords and meta descriptions. Use of Keyword-rich permalinks: Make sure that your permalinks are keyword-rich, rather than using the default number-based permalinks. Optimize … Read more

Migrate php folder to WordPress

I assume that each php file contains the content of a page. It depends a lot on how your content is written in that php page, you should make another php script, go trough all files in that directory. <?php if ($handle = opendir(‘/path/to/files’)) { echo “Directory handle: $handle\n”; echo “Entries:\n”; /* This is the … Read more

Same DB for live and dev versions

It would be bad practice to have two sites running off the same database. This is especially true if you were to perform plugin / core updates on one or the other. You would be much better off using something like migrate-db (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-migrate-db/) to perform a migration. The maintainers of migrate db are also working … Read more