Share functions between admin and frontend

That boilerplate uses autoloading, take advantage of it! I understand it’s a bit overwhelming but with some training you will realize that autoloading and OOP are a superlative productivity boost.

Inside inc/common create your class (for example, class-commonclass.php)


namespace PGC_Signoffs\Inc\Common; \\declare the namespace for autoloading

class CommonClass {

  public function commonFunction($a,$b,$c){ //could also be 'public static function'
    //do your magic
    return $start_date;


Note: the functions inside CommonClass could be static, it depends on what you want to do with the class. If it’s just a collection of functions go with static.

Then instance the class inside other classes, for example Admin:

namespace PGC_Signoffs\Inc\Rest;

use PGC_Signoffs\Inc\Common\CommonClass; //declare you will be using CommonClass from the Inc\Common namespace

class Rest{

  public function glider_club_update_signoff( \WP_REST_Request  $request) {

    $commonClass = new CommonClass();
    $date_expire = $commonClass->commonFunction($a,$b,$c);
    //or, if you went with a static function:
    $date_expire = CommonClass::commonFunction($a,$b,$c);

Here’s the gist