featured image metabox not moving custom post type

Hope this code may be help you.

You can read the full parameters for add_meta_box in the codex. I also
listed them here:

add_meta_box( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $context, $priority, $callback_args );

function wpt_add_event_metaboxes() {
        'wpt_events_location',      // $id
        'Event Location',           // $title
        'wpt_events_location',      // $callback
        'events',                   // $page (Post Type)
        'side',                     // $context
        'default'                   // $priority
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'wpt_add_event_metaboxes' );

For the example above:

  • $id is “wpt_events_location”- or the html id that will be applied to
    this metabox.
  • $title is “Event Location”. This appears at the top of the new
    metabox when displayed.
  • $callback is the function “wpt_events_location” which will load the
    html into the metabox.
  • $page is “events”, the name of our custom post type.
  • $context is “side”. If you wanted it to load below the content area,
    you could put “normal”.
  • $priority controls where the metabox will display in relation to the
    other metaboxes. You can put “high”, “low” or “default”.