Shopping Cart Solution [closed]

What you are talking about is called Table Rate Shipping which will give you better control for e-commerce.

There are some very good ecommerce solutions for WordPress including

  • WooCommerce – free and has premium extentions like table rate
    and themes – Sth African parent company with 30++
    ecommerce extensions and 90+ WP themes
  • Jigoshop – free and WooCommerce was forked
    from this – UK based company
  • WordPress ecommerce by Get Shopped
    is one of the best known and oldest options around. It has a free and premium
    versions – NZ based company
  • WPMU – Aus based company has an annual premium membership fee which meets most of your needs

Personally I think choice comes down to other factors

  1. Payment gateways (who they want to use for payment and is there an extension for them.
  2. Payment options & subscriptions (one off, monthly recurring)
  3. How technical / skilled is your customer for setting up and managing an e-commerce shop.
  4. What other marketing / sales promotions will they want (like cross linking / upselling content)
  5. Do you need to manage variations of the same product (by colour or size / weight / length)
  6. Delivery options / couriers – eg Royal Mail here in the UK, has a plugin for WooCommerce

to be honest … I can say it is likely that GetShopped or WooCommerce can do all of these so it will be a matter of adding up the premium / plugins costs.

There are plenty of other WordPress ecommerce solutions, but many of them will not meet all 5 of these requirements

and dare I say it … you should always compare this to Magento which is also a LAMP stack / PHP / Apache / SQL based ecommerce solution.

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