Showing a meta box in a custom post type on a page

If you are not using multiple key & values, I’d try it this way

// This function adds a meta box with a callback function of my_metabox_callback()
function add_my_meta_box() {
     $var1 = 'this';
     $var2 = 'that';
           'Metabox Title',
           array( 'foo' => $var1, 'bar' => $var2)

// $post is an object containing the current post (as a $post object)
// $metabox is an array with metabox id, title, callback, and args elements. 
// The args element is an array containing your passed $callback_args variables.

function my_metabox_callback ( $post, $metabox ) {
     echo 'Last Modified: ' . $post->post_modified;        // outputs last time the post was modified
     echo $metabox['args']['foo'];                         // outputs 'this'
     echo $metabox['args']['bar'];                         // outputs 'that'
     echo get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'my_custom_field', true ); // outputs value of custom field

Also you can use the_content filter to add anything to single.php

Example code:

function tsi_source_link($content) {
 if ( is_single() ) {
   global $post;
   $source_link = get_post_meta ($post->ID, 'syndication_permalink', true);
   if ($source_link) {
    $content .= '<div id="tsi-source-link" style="text-align:right;"><a href="' . $source_link . '" target="_blank">Read more ...</a></div>';
return $content;