Slick slider for post doesn’t display anything

look at this example structure :

* Section Servises
$servises_info = new WP_query('pagename=правни-услуги');
if ($servises_info -> have_posts() ) :
    while ( $servises_info -> have_posts() ) : $servises_info -> the_post();
                                            // look hire below
                $relayted_post = new WP_query('cat=2&order=ASC');
                /* Start the Loop two */
                while($relayted_post -> have_posts()): $relayted_post -> the_post();
                    $servises_data = get_the_content();

                // make hire you're things

               // End the posts Servises Loop - loop 2 
     // End the page Servises Loop -loop 1

// End the servises  info section 

i recomend to use ID’s no names when accses categorys,taxonomis.

And also you have mistakes hire :

<h2 class="text-white"><?php the_title() mising closing row -> ";" ?></h2>   
<div class="text-white"><?php the_content() mising closing row -> ";" ?></div>