Split posts into 2 separate streams

Assuming the following

  • You are using WP default Post type
  • When you say tagged you mean you used categories and not the tag system
  • You have at least the following categories 2015 and 2016, and that you have categorized all of your posts accordingly
  • You are using the default blogroll of WP

If I assumed wrong about your setup maybe this will need adjustments, but you can definitely filter what’s showing up in your blogroll. You would need to modify WP Query for that. (I’ll give an example below)

But before messing around with queries, you would need to create a menu and select the categories you wish to add to your menu.
This is done in Appearance -> Menus -> Categories

These categories would be your archives so make sure you categorize those well or you will miss some post later on (not lost, just hidden).

By categorizing each post, you would have an archive of your post, filtered by the category(ies) they are in.

So now you want a clean blogroll. To achieve that we need to modify the main query.

This is how you can do it.

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_custom_blog' );
function my_custom_blog( $wp_query ){

  if( is_home() ){ // Our custom query will affect only the blogroll

    $wp_query->set( 'category_name', '2016' ); // category name is the slug of the category


This will effectively remove everything from your blog roll and only show posts that are in the category 2016. So if your category is empty, nothing will show.

Let’s say next year you have another trip, you just categorize your future posts 2017 and change your query category_name for 2017. Then you would add another link to your menu. This link would be for the category 2016.