Autoloader not finding classes from my plugin

Given the first PHP code snippet you posted, I don’t see that you’re using the class yet, which explains why you’re not seeing your classes in the autoload error log that you’re debugging with. Note that use will not trigger PHP’s autoloader. use My_Plugin\Includes; You need to actually instantiate a class, check that it exists, … Read more

WP Optimization: Removing Orphaned wp_options (especially the autoload ones)

Do you have access to a SQL client program like phpmyadmin or something similar? If so give this query SELECT option_id, option_name, LENGTH(option_value) FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = ‘yes’ AND option_name NOT LIKE ‘_transient%’ ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 20; You’ll see the top twenty auto loaded options in descending order of length. Eyeball the … Read more