How do I activate C++ 11 in CMake?

As it turns out, SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS “-std=c++0x”) does activate many C++11 features. The reason it did not work was that the statement looked like this: Following this approach, somehow the -std=c++0x flag was overwritten and it did not work. Setting the flags one by one or using a list method is working.

In CLion, header only library: file “does not belong to any project target, code insight features might not work properly”

Little background I was having the same problem, albeit the project was not header-only, nevertheless, the open files from inc folder were throwing the aforementioned warning, even though the CMake file clearly marked that folder to be include_directory. *.hpp files do not belong to ${SOURCE} Since this is a perfectly valid CMake file and adding the include files … Read more