Make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?

Given a branch foo and a remote upstream: As of Git 1.8.0: Or, if local branch foo is not the current branch: Or, if you like to type longer commands, these are equivalent to the above two: As of Git 1.7.0 (before 1.8.0): Notes: All of the above commands will cause local branch foo to track remote branch foo from remote upstream. The old (1.7.x) … Read more

Move the most recent commit(s) to a new branch with Git

Moving to an existing branch If you want to move your commits to an existing branch, it will look like this: You can store uncommitted edits to your stash before doing this, using git stash. Once complete, you can retrieve the stashed uncommitted edits with git stash pop Moving to a new branch WARNING: This method works because you … Read more

Move the most recent commit(s) to a new branch with Git

Moving to an existing branch If you want to move your commits to an existing branch, it will look like this: You can store uncommitted edits to your stash before doing this, using git stash. Once complete, you can retrieve the stashed uncommitted edits with git stash pop Moving to a new branch WARNING: This method works because you … Read more

How do you create a remote Git branch?

Simple Git 2.0+ solution: As of Git 2.0, the behavior has become simpler: You can configure git with push.default = current to make life easier: I added this so now I can just push a new branch upstream with -u will track remote branch of the same name. Now with this configuration, you will auto-guess the remote reference to … Read more

Create Git branch with current changes

If you hadn’t made any commit yet, only (1: branch) and (3: checkout) would be enough.Or, in one command: git checkout -b newBranch With Git 2.23+ (Q3 2019), the new command git switch would create the branch in one line (with the same kind of reset –hard, so beware of its effect): As mentioned in the git reset man page: You have made some … Read more

How do I rename both a Git local and remote branch name?

There are a few ways to accomplish that: Change your local branch and then push your changes Push the branch to remote with the new name while keeping the original name locally Renaming local and remote Renaming Only remote branch Credit: ptim Important note: When you use the git branch -m (move), Git is also updating your tracking branch with … Read more

How to fetch all Git branches

You can fetch all branches from all remotes like this: It’s basically a power move. fetch updates local copies of remote branches so this is always safe for your local branches BUT: fetch will not update local branches (which track remote branches); if you want to update your local branches you still need to pull every branch. fetch will not create local branches (which track remote branches), you … Read more