What is the Timeline for the Active Version Pie Chart in the Repository?

The active version pie chart is made up of completely nonsense data that isn’t being updated properly at present. What it displays has absolutely no bearing to real-world data. It’s on my list of things-to-fix, eventually. Once our stats gathering system is more reliable, I’ll do so. However, at present, it is total nonsense. Ignore … Read more

How to add a link to our wp.org profile from wordpress.org plugin page?

The link was created automatticly, if you have a profile on wordpress.org. As example: see my profile: http://profiles.wordpress.org/bueltge/ and see also a plugin of my, same user-slug: http://wordpress.org/plugins/adminimize/ But it is important, that you write case sensitive. The user must include in the readme of the plugin, on the string Contributors:. See also a example … Read more

Generate WordPress Theme from GitHub Repository

The answer is already detailed here.. https://github.com/Automattic/_s#getting-started Unless you want something else. 🙂 Basically once you have a starter Underscores theme, it’s all a matter of editing the template files to get it to look the way you want it to.

list all packages from a repository in ubuntu / debian

Simple: grep -h -P -o “^Package: \K.*” /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_*_Packages | sort -u Or more flexible: grep-dctrl -sPackage . /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_*_Packages For fancier querying, use apt-cache policy and aptitude as described here: aptitude search ‘~O LP-PPA-gstreamer-developers’

How to know from which yum repository a package has been installed?

With yum-utils installed, repoquery will provide the information you seek (here ‘epel’ being the repository). $ repoquery -i cherokee Name : cherokee Version : 0.99.49 Release : 1.el5 Architecture: i386 Size : 8495964 Packager : Fedora Project Group : Applications/Internet URL : http://www.cherokee-project.com/ Repository : epel Summary : Flexible and Fast Webserver Description : Cherokee … Read more

Do I need to include a textdomain if my theme doesn’t support translation?

If your code, be it a theme or a plugin, does not support translation, then don’t use the translation functions. And if you don’t use these functions, you cannot use a text domain. 🙂 There is a very common error that looks like this: echo __( ‘Portfolio’ ); Portfolio is not part of WordPress’ core … Read more