how to convert negative hexadecimal to decimal
without using a computer you can calculate it like this: 0xFFFF FE58 is a negative number in 2’s complement. To get the absolute value you have to invert all bits and add 1 in binary. You also can subtract this number from the first number out of range (0x1 0000 0000) now we know that your … Read more
1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 results in a negative number [duplicate]
You are multiplying ints together, and overflow occurs because the maximum integer is 2^31 – 1. Only after the multiplications does it get converted to a long. Cast the first number as a long. or use a long literal: That will force long math operations from the start.
Why prefer two’s complement over sign-and-magnitude for signed numbers?
It’s done so that addition doesn’t need to have any special logic for dealing with negative numbers. Check out the article on Wikipedia. Say you have two numbers, 2 and -1. In your “intuitive” way of representing numbers, they would be 0010 and 1001, respectively (I’m sticking to 4 bits for size). In the two’s … Read more