Cross Validation in Keras

If my goal is to fine-tune the network for the entire dataset It is not clear what you mean by “fine-tune”, or even what exactly is your purpose for performing cross-validation (CV); in general, CV serves one of the following purposes: Model selection (choose the values of hyperparameters) Model assessment Since you don’t define any … Read more

What’s the difference between scikit-learn and tensorflow? Is it possible to use them together?

Your understanding is pretty much spot on, albeit very, very basic. TensorFlow is more of a low-level library. Basically, we can think of TensorFlow as the Lego bricks (similar to NumPy and SciPy) that we can use to implement machine learning algorithms whereas Scikit-Learn comes with off-the-shelf algorithms, e.g., algorithms for classification such as SVMs, … Read more

Difference between scikit-learn and sklearn

You might need to reinstall numpy. It doesn’t seem to have installed correctly. sklearn is how you type the scikit-learn name in python. Also, try running the standard tests in scikit-learn and check the output. You will have detailed error information there. Do you have nosetests installed? Try: nosetests -v sklearn. You type this in bash, not in the … Read more

RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility

According to MAINT: silence Cython warnings about changes dtype/ufunc size. – numpy/numpy: These warnings are visible whenever you import scipy (or another package) that was compiled against an older numpy than is installed. and the checks are inserted by Cython (hence are present in any module compiled with it). Long story short, these warnings should be benign … Read more