What’s the difference between scikit-learn and tensorflow? Is it possible to use them together?

Your understanding is pretty much spot on, albeit very, very basic. TensorFlow is more of a low-level library. Basically, we can think of TensorFlow as the Lego bricks (similar to NumPy and SciPy) that we can use to implement machine learning algorithms whereas Scikit-Learn comes with off-the-shelf algorithms, e.g., algorithms for classification such as SVMs, … Read more


When I started to train some neural network, it met the CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY but the training could go on without error. Because I wanted to use gpu memory as it really needs, so I set the gpu_options.allow_growth = True.The logs are as follows: And after using nvidia-smi command, it gets: After I commented the gpu_options.allow_growth = … Read more

Tensorflow can’t find “cudart64_90.dll” even though it is installed with Path variable set

I found the solution. And it was the good old advice – “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” I restarted the computer, Tensorflow found cudart64_90.dll, but now it could not find cudnn64_7.dll. I’m providing the steps ahead to get rid of the issues I encountered. If you’ve installed Tensorflow GPU version, you’re likely to run … Read more

No Module Named ‘_pywrap_tensorflow_internal’

I came across the same issue today, please switch to cuDNN v5.1 Library for Windows instead as @mickdelaney suggested and then try to Check environment settings of CUDA, normally all the settings of CUDA had been added to Windows environment Copy files in bin, lib and include of cuDNN to bin, lib and include of CUDA respectively. Normally the directory is C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA … Read more