How to assign role to a custom registration form?

One way of doing it is, when you are submitting the registration form, define a value for the ‘role’ and then pass it with wp_insert_user Codex. Like this: $fields_user = get_fields_user(); //get the values from the form and put them in an array. $fields_user[‘role’] = ‘participant’; //define a value for the key ‘role’ $user_id = … Read more

Change WooCommerce registration form/way?

I’ve been trying out the same code snippet from Cloudways as well. If you don’t use the snippet in functions.php, but instead create a copy of the woocommerce file form-login.php in your child theme’s folder/woocommerce/myaccount. Then the fields from the Couldways snippet can be used before the line containing: <?php do_action( ‘woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form’, $checkout ); ?>

Null value given when confirming email’s

Firstly, this isn’t an error, it’s a warning. If it’s causing a page crash rather than a logic bug, thats because you’re printing your error log to the screen, not logging it to a log file as you should be doing. Turning off display errors should fix this. This still leaves you with the warning, … Read more

Verify user is Eventbrite attendee when creating new WordPress account

This is a very broad question. As @andrew pointed out, you need to work with the API at to parse member lists with the API during the registration process in WordPress. But, eventbrite says that “Currently there is no way to search for a specific attendee with event_list_attendees.”

enqueue style google fonts in functions.php in array?

Each time you use wp_enqueue_style, they each need their own unique ID. So ‘google-fonts’ isn’t going to work with: wp_enqueue_style( ‘google-fonts’, ‘‘. $enque_font, false, ”, ‘all’ ); And you have two variables set up for the array? $font_link = $style_font_standard = array( I wrote it as one variable and in the array, they have pairs, … Read more