[Binary Bomb – Phase 4

I hope it’s obvious that phase4 is checking that the first number is in the range 0..14 inclusive (see lines +44..+57) Then it invokes func4 with three arguments: the first number entered, 0 and 14 (lines +62..+85). Next it checks that the return value is 0x25 (37 decimal) on line +90 and that the second … Read more

What does the LEAL assembly instruction do?

LEA (load effective address) just computes the address of the operand, it does not actually dereference it. Most of the time, it’s just doing a calculation like a combined multiply-and-add for, say, array indexing. In this case, it’s doing a simple numeric subtraction: leal -4(%ebp), %eax just assigns to the %eax register the value of … Read more

Assembly Language – How to do Modulo?

If your modulus / divisor is a known constant, and you care about performance, see this and this. A multiplicative inverse is even possible for loop-invariant values that aren’t known until runtime, e.g. see https://libdivide.com/ (But without JIT code-gen, that’s less efficient than hard-coding just the steps necessary for one constant.) Never use div for known powers of 2: it’s much slower than and for remainder, … Read more

what does the the dword operand do in assembly

Brackets in [ESP+18h] mean that the destination of the MOV is memory location at ESP+18h. As an example, if ESP has value 10000000h, then your destination is memory location 10000018h. DWORD defines ‘size’ of the memory location used for move operation. In you example, you’d be moving 0000000Ah (4 bytes) into memory location ESP+18h. As … Read more

What does `dword ptr` mean?

The dword ptr part is called a size directive. This page explains them, but it wasn’t possible to direct-link to the correct section. Basically, it means “the size of the target operand is 32 bits”, so this will bitwise-AND the 32-bit value at the address computed by taking the contents of the ebp register and … Read more

Printing out a number in assembly language?

Have you tried int 21h service 2? DL is the character to print. To print the integer value, you’ll have to write a loop to decompose the integer to individual characters. If you’re okay with printing the value in hex, this is pretty trivial. If you can’t rely on DOS services, you might also be … Read more
