Taxonomy/Custom post type structure suggestion on a movie site

Have a nomination post type.

So your awards post type doesn’t represent an award, it represents the ‘nomination’ of an award, a record that it was won or lost by someone/something. You then define the attributes such as the year, the type of award, its classification etc using taxonomy terms.

To assign it to a movie, set the movie post as the parent post for the award_won post. You’ll need to write a metabox to handle this part yourself. To get a list of awards a movie has won, do a post query to find child posts of type award_won.

This will let you refer to the winning of individual awards, list all awards of a type, all the awards a movie won, all the people who won a type of award, all the awards allotted in a given year etc etc, and all the data has an associated listing.

You could do the same thing with actors and directors

Alternatively, if you need to track a movie loosing, you could call the post_type nomination, and have a taxonomy with lost and won as the terms. You can then set up using pre_get_posts to make sure that unless specified, only nominations in the won term are listed.

The only situation this would fail is when an award is given to multiple movies/people at the same time. For example, say an award was given for best onscreen relationship, and the recipient was 2 people, you would have an issue.

So to sum up:

  • A nomination post type
  • An awards taxonomy
  • A award_year taxonomy
  • Nominations parent post is the actor or movie that was nominated

You can add additional taxonomies, such as the award type e.g. ‘oscar’ ‘grammy’ ‘golden globe’, and award events ‘MTV Music Awards NYC’, ‘MTV Europe Music Awards Berlin’ etc