theme upgrade failing

You can update the theme via cPanel by:

  1. Browse wp-content/themes/ using the file manager
  2. Rename the folder named ‘TwentyEleven’ to ‘TwentyEleven.Backup’
  3. Download a fresh upgrade copy of T11 from theme repository
  4. Upload the .zip theme file (what you just downloaded)
  5. Extract the .zip file (it will make the folder ‘TwentyEleven’ again)
  6. Your upgraded theme is ready

Hope it will automatically activate itself; if not, then in wp-admin, browse Appearance > Themes, and then reactivate (or deactivate and activate) Twenty Eleven theme.

WARNING: Upgrading a theme, by all the default and automatic means, will delete all the modifications and edits of codes, if made any.