Add theme support for margin
Add theme support for margin
Add theme support for margin
First of all, don’t ask opinion based questions on StackOverflow. Secondly, try Googling for an answer You can try the WordPress Theme Customizer, check out the docs: WP Codex Here is what it looks like Basically you need to register Sections (stores a set of options). Then you need to register Settings (to store the … Read more
It probably does nothing. I cannot find any reference in the developer resources or the theme handbook. Also doing a quick search through WP source code shows this is only used in wp-includes/theme.php, and even there only in the parts about adding/removing theme support.
register_theme_directory() not working from mu-plugin
How to add support for category excerpts?
How to Restore using UpDraft is quite easy and you can follow this instruction carefully.
Chances are, the theme you are using does not take into account the Custom header settings when it puts in the Site Title and Description. I would suggest (if you are comfortable in PHP) creating a child theme (as described here) for your theme, then copy header.php into your child theme and remove/alter the area … Read more
That one line is all you need, try adding this to your functions.php file. function my_theme_setup(){ add_theme_support(‘post-thumbnails’); } add_action(‘after_setup_theme’, ‘my_theme_setup’); I’m not sure what your “post types file” is but the above should be enough to add support.
To use a custom font, simply upload the font to your theme folder and then add a CSS @font-face declaration to the top of your theme’s style.css file pointing to the new font: @font-face { font-family: CustomFont; src: url(‘CustomFont.ttf’); } You can then reference that custom font in other CSS styles, for example: .entry-content { … Read more