Remove user from group after X days buddypress
Remove user from group after X days buddypress
Remove user from group after X days buddypress
BuddyPress Xprofile Field Meta Key?
After 6 months of searching I finally got it!!!! Plugins > BuddyPress > BP-Core > BP-Core-Template.php Line 875 ‘ending’ => __( ‘ […]’, ‘buddypress’ ), Change […] to whatever you’d like and then create a new blog post. The new blog post will include the updated text you just entered. Hells yeah! […] is the … Read more
Go to Dashboard > Settings > Buddypress > Settings Check rtMedia update and save settings.
In your theme or child theme, create an over-ride of this file: buddypress\bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\groups\create.php Then adjust the form markup so that only the Private group radio button is created and it is checked. Creating theme over-rides:
write this code in config.php This file is located in the root directory. ** THis Will Remove disgusting Buddypress Top Admin Bar. Add this line of code at last of the previous codes and you are done */ define( ‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true );
This answer is for Buddypress 1.7. No idea how much of it, if any, still applies to the current version (2.8+) Here’s an as of yet incomplete listing of what files go where. I’ll update it as I get more into theming buddypress sites. The official ‘hints’ page can be found here.. If you … Read more
The auto-fill functionality does not seem to work if Friend Connections is disabled. I found a plugin that has an option to make auto-fill work for all members.
There are a couple of ways to do this: With template overloads Overload these files: \bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\members\single\profile\edit.php \bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\members\single\profile\change-avatar At the top of the overload, do a current_user_can() check and then do or don’t show the rest of the template. Filter the button creation based on a current_user_can() check. See the filter in bp_get_displayed_user_nav() in ‘bp-members\bp-members-template.php’
Messages posted with bp_core_add_message() are stored in a cookie, and then rendered to the screen at the ‘template_notices’ hook (either on the current pageload, or the next one, whichever comes first). It’s likely that the template you’re using doesn’t fire ‘template_notices’.