Woocommerce-the quantity and price next to the shopping cart pattern are not updated
It has been solved, and if it has not been updated, use this jquery to update the div. jQuery(“.heading-row”).load(location.href + ” .heading-row”);
It has been solved, and if it has not been updated, use this jquery to update the div. jQuery(“.heading-row”).load(location.href + ” .heading-row”);
My Featured Image option suddenly disappeared
Default styles overriding theme.json
One reason why it’s not working would be the using a old version of Visual Editor in a newer version of WordPress. So, you have two choices now either downgrading WordPress or upgrading Visual Editor. Give it a try, Hope it might work for you.
see there are any upgrade available for the theme.. if not add add_theme_support( ‘title-tag’ ); in your functions.php
If you’re running the Video Download Helper in your browser, try disabling that, and it will likely disappear. If it does, this also explains why it’s not on every page. Not every page will have that type of media, and what’s tricky is that it will not show up in View Source at all. Also … Read more
Updated your permalink. Goto WP dashboard Settings → Permalink.