What exactly is WordPress?

Yes, you can run WordPress with your own domain if you purchase hosting for it. WordPress has system of Roles (which can be further enhanced via plugins), you can let users register and allow to perform actions accordign to their role. Essentially yes. You copy WordPress files to server and initiate brief installation procedure. First … Read more

What’s the difference between Role and Meta capabilities; When to use map_meta_cap() filter

difference between Role and Meta capabilities That would be better to ask the compare Role with Capabilities, not just Meta capabilities, but as a simple answer: A Role defines a set of tasks a user assigned the role is allowed to perform. Capabilities are assigned to Roles difference between Meta and Primitive capabilities? Meta capabilities … Read more

What is valid timing of using current_user_can() and related functions?

The only prerequisite for current_user_can() is an existing wp_get_current_user(). The latter is defined in pluggable.php, so you can use it after plugins_loaded. The _doing_it_wrong() call you are citing in your question is wrong for itself. My guess is that you took that from BuddyPress or bbPress. Both are running into a recursion if they don’t … Read more