Manage Roles and Capabilities on Multi-site

I believe you’d need to modify user roles on each site individually (if I’m understanding your question correctly). There’s a great plugin I use frequently called WPFront User Role Editor that allows you to check/uncheck user capabilities like you mentioned. The free version should be fine for what you’re trying to do. I personally use … Read more

Not able to give editors acess to new admin menu item

Must be a problem with the surrounding code, your add_menu_page code works fine inside my test code, i can see the item as an admin or editor. add_action( ‘admin_menu’ , ‘admin_menu_new_items’ ); function admin_menu_new_items() { add_menu_page(‘Calendar’, ‘Calendar’, ‘edit_posts’, ‘wp-eventcal/eventcal-manager.php’); } Works just fine for me.. Are you using any plugins for managing the admin menu, … Read more

Is there a way of retrieving the core WP capabilities?

As said in comment above is more easy remove the added capabilities. Below, as example, a simple implementation: class MyAwesomePlugin { static $capabilities = array(‘a_cap’=> true, ‘another_one’=> true, ‘third_cap’=> true); static $custom_roles = array(‘one_role’ => ‘One Role’, ‘second_role’ => ‘Second Role’); static $core_roles = array(‘administrator’, ‘editor’, ‘author’); static function install() { // add custom capabilities … Read more

Can’t create new Pods pages

I found the problem. There was a line of code that was deleting all posts as soon they were created. It may seems slly but it was wanted, I’m building a really custom app based on wordpress… Simply I forgot that this would cancel many other things that pods saves as post, like pods pages … Read more

Changing capability type without altering plugin

you can achieve this one by adding one plugin “user Role Manager” Link for It Steps Install user Role Manager First. and activate it. Create custom role or Edit Subscriber default role to set that page edit permission Set default role in setting as custom role if custom role created. Its Done.

Capability to edit post slugs

If it’s supposed to edit its own post only, make it with author‘s capabilities. If it should edit posts of other users, as well, make it with editor‘s capabilities. Case 1 function wpse_add_your_role() { $role = get_role( ‘author’ ); if ( ! empty( get_role( ‘your_role’ ) ) ) { remove_role( ‘your_role’ ); } add_role( ‘your_role’, … Read more