Recommend plugins for member’s only e-commerce website [closed]
Checkout Amember This is what WooThemes and a few other shops use. I’ve used it myself and it’s a quality product.
Checkout Amember This is what WooThemes and a few other shops use. I’ve used it myself and it’s a quality product.
WP E-commerce uses WordPress post objects to store products, so you don’t need any special functions or callbacks. query_posts will support everything you need, you can learn about the details of how everything is set up by reading about their database schema. Specifically, the SKU is in the wp_postmeta table with a meta_key of _wpsc_sku.
What you are talking about is called Table Rate Shipping which will give you better control for e-commerce. There are some very good ecommerce solutions for WordPress including WooCommerce – free and has premium extentions like table rate shipping and themes – Sth African parent company with 30++ ecommerce extensions and 90+ WP themes Jigoshop … Read more
You just have to go in settings-permalinks then you enter: /%category%/%postname%/ or if you choose something else keep it. Then just re-save all. Even if you have already the good setting, just re-save, and it will work.
In the WordPress backend select Settings | Store . Select the Presentation tab. Scroll down to the Product Page Settings section and change the value of the Sort Product By dropdown to: Drag & Drop Now you are able to click on a product in Products | Products , hold it and drag it to … Read more
please refer below are passing only 1 parameters instead of 3 parameter. function filter_woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation( $passed, $product_id, $quantity ) { if ( $quantity>2 )) { wc_add_notice( __( ‘You are not allowed to add more than 2 product for category..’, ‘woocommerce’ ), ‘error’ ); $passed = false; } return $passed; }; // add the filter add_filter( … Read more
You can use multiple payment gateways. Simply use one of the default payment gateways that doesn’t require immediately payment and you can rename it in the settings, so you have the same process that you described above. For example the “Cash on Delivery” gateway is ideal, you can edit the title and the description of … Read more
WooCommerce & Jigoshop are built on the same foundation so they approach things the same way, but WooCommerce is likely the winner because of the amount of sub-plugins and resources. I just finished a WooCommerce project and really like how it’s coded as well as its usability. I haven’t used WP E-commerce in a long, … Read more